Private Sector | Nagaland - India | PID: 194345
GPT Infraprojects (GPT) has bagged an order worth Rs 64.10 crore from the Office of the General Manager/Construction, Northeast Frontier Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati
The order is for construction of superstructure of bridges over river Pagla at chainage and viaduct near Pherima Station and other related works between the proposed stations Sukhovi and Pherima in connection with Dimapur-Kohima New Line Projects in Nagaland
This contract is in joint venture of which GPT’s share is 51 percent
The company has current orders in hand of nearly Rs 2,072 crore, including cumulative order inflow of Rs 822 crore in FY21
| Updated on: 23 - Jan - 2021