Private Sector | Orissa - India | PID: 203191
Power Mech Projects has bagged orders worth Rs 232.03 crore, including building of power house and balance of plant at a thermal project and coal handling plant. The company received orders under three packages worth Rs 122.89 crore from state-owned engineering firm BHEL in various packages, the company said in a BSE filing.
Package A includes erection of power house Unit 1 & 2 and other buildings at 2x660 MW NTPC Talcher, Odisha.
Package B includes erection of ash handling plant structure, and tank fabrication at the NTPC Talcher plant.
The other order of Rs 52.74 crore includes balance civil and architectural works of superstructure of power house, bunker area and balance works in other areas of main plant of Yadadri TPS (thermal power station) Unit 4 & 5 -- Rs 52.74 crore.
Another order of Rs 56.40 crore includes mechanical structure erection works at PP2 and Balance Quantity of Coke Oven Projects (Battery 5&6) at Jindal Steel Odisha Ltd Angul.
| Updated on: 26 - Jul - 2024