
Private Sector | Multi State - India | PID: 203804
Danfoss, a global leader in heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC), and refrigeration solutions, has announced plans to scale up its local manufacturing in India over the next five years in support of the Make in India initiative.

Earlier this year, Danfoss India, a subsidiary of the Denmark-based company, committed to investing Rs 500 crore to bolster local production for HVAC and refrigeration compressors, controls, and related components. The move aligns with the company’s strategy to cater to India’s rapidly expanding heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration (HVACR) sector. Danfoss aims to introduce advanced product lines for compressors, heat exchangers, and controls, making its globally renowned solutions readily available in India.

Our focus on localising compressor production is not just about meeting local demand but also about developing a local supplier ecosystem and investing in India's future as a key player in our Global Climate Solutions operations,” said Kristian Strand, President of Danfoss Commercial Compressors.

Localised production is expected to strengthen the company’s ability to deliver European-quality products efficiently to the Indian market.

This initiative underscores Danfoss’s strategic emphasis on localisation, sustainability, and innovation, as it seeks to reinforce India’s position in the global HVACR industry while contributing to the country's manufacturing and economic growth.
| Updated on: 24 - Dec - 2024
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